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Southern Underground Pro Announces 3 Dates And A Casting Call

Southern Underground Pro Announces 3 Dates And A Casting Call

Though they've not even been around for two full years, the Nashville based Southern Underground Pro has emerged as one of the top independent promotions in the Southeast.  Known for the wild atmosphere of their live events, SUP has played a major role in the rise of some of indie wrestling's top prospects like Curt Stallion, Dominic Garrini, Kevin Ku and Marko Stunt.  

The promotion has already announced three events for 2019:

  • On Sunday, January 20, SUP presents I Am King.  The event will see Bonestorm Champion Brett Ison defend his title against Nick Gage, Sadkampf (Dominic Garrini and Kevin Ku) battle The Jollyville EFits, Stokely Hathaway take on Nashville favorite Mr. Brickster and more. Tickets for I Am King are available here
  • Southern Underground Pro will be back in Nashville on March 3 for their event What Could Possibly Go Right?  While no matches have been announced for the event, the promotion is looking to feature new talent on the card and have asked for wrestlers to email supgraps@gmail.com with relevant information if they are interested.  The deadline for submissions is January 20. 
  • Finally, SUP's second anniversary show, My Sacrifice, will take place on 4/21.  Follow SUP on Twitter and keep your eyes on IWTV News for updates about this show. 

All of these events will take place at The Basement East in Nashville, and will be available on VOD here at IWTV.

In addition to these events, SUP will have a featured match at the IWTV event, Family Reunion, which will take place on Thursday, April 4 at White Eagle Hall in Jersey City, New Jersey as part of The Collective. For more details on that event (including how to reserve your free ticket if you are an IWTV subscriber) click here.