IWTV introduces Rules for Independent Tag Team Championship Contests
Photography by Jaquis Photography
On July 4th, IWTV Independent Wrestling World Champion AC Mack revealed that IWTV has sanctioned Independent Wrestling Tag Team Championships. Since that time, IWTV officials have been working on a set of rules for tag team title bouts.
The goal of the rule set is to allow for exciting matches, while also establishing standards to ensure that the traditions of tag team wrestling will be honored.
IWTV Officials will be instructed to adhere to the following guidelines when officiating IWTV Tag Team Championship bouts, which will be contested under a 60-minute time limit.
A wrestler must do the following in order to make a legal tag:
- Tags are legal as long as the two team members touch above the waist or hand to hand.
- All tags must be over the top rope.
- The wrestler outside the ring must be standing on the apron, holding on to the tag rope tied in their corner.
A tag team may be disqualified for not adhering to the following:
- Inside the Ring - 10 seconds for both tag team members to be in the ring
- Outside the Ring - 10 seconds for the legal people on the outside of the ring
- If an illegal tag is made, the competitor has 5 seconds to get out
Additionally, team combinations such as "stacked pinfalls" and "double submissions" are prohibited.
Revisions may be made and noted here by date of modification.