Introducing First: Australian Independent Wrestling Standout Mick Moretti
As we approach the fourth episode of Beyond Wrestling's Uncharted Territory it's worth reflecting on a new star who has emerged on the scene over the shows first three weeks.
Mick Moretti came to Episode One of Uncharted Territory to compete in The Discovery Gauntlet. Each week he has faced off against a new up-and-coming opponent, and each week Moretti has emerged victorious.
Moretti has been a pro wrestler for over a decade in his native Australia. A top star of promotions like PWA Black Label, the "rapscallion" has become one of the public faces of the burgeoning Australian wrestling scene. "I consider myself a representative of Australia because it's where I come from, but I'm not pigeonholing myself just to that," says Moretti. "I want to succeed and take my country with me into that success."
And successful he has been in The Discovery Gauntlet, illustrating that the concept can be used by veterans and newcomers alike to build their names and reputations in professional wrestling. As Moretti notes, "It's not about being new to the wrestling scene, it's about being new to the people around here and that's what I am...but I bring the advantage of experience."
Inspired by clowns and lunacy (his words, not ours), Moretti's unique approach to wrestling presents a challenge for opponents who are often taken aback by his unorthodox presentation and in ring style. Of this style Moretti says, "You don't want to be a carbon copy of everyone else, you've got to stand out." For Moretti being eccentric in attitude and attack makes him a better wrestler. His current success in Beyond Wrestling and elsewhere make this difficult to deny.
With three wins in The Discovery Gauntlet to his name already, what's next for the Aussie?
"My goal is just to keep winning. Keep winning and winning and winning and winning. And show everyone - the roster, the bookers, the fans - exactly what I'm capable of. Exactly what Australia has to offer. You guys run around here and you say you've got the ace, cause the ace runs the game. Well I'm the joker. The joker changes the game."
Uncharted Territory, Episode Four airs TONIGHT (4/24) at 8pm EDT on IWTV.LIVE.