Twitter Reacts to the GRAMMYs Street Fight - Orange Cassidy (c) vs Stokely Hathaway
On Sunday evening, IWTV streamed a GRAMMYs Street Fight for the Independent Wrestling Championship as Orange Cassidy put his title on the line against Stokely Hathaway. Social media was buzzing about the unconventional match all night long and IWTV News has compiled some of the best Twitter reactions to the bout. You can watch the match for free here.
Yeah yeah...AE-dub...blah blah blah. All of that is cool and all, but can we get back to the greatness of Orange Cassidy vs Stokely Hathaway from last night on @indiewrestling
— Michael C. Grimaldi (@MikeGrim) February 11, 2019
Bout to watch @orangecassidy v @StokelyHathaway and I don’t know how I’m going to be able to breath after it
— “HEARTcore” Shazza McKenzie (@Shazza_McKenzie) February 11, 2019
If you missed it, @orangecassidy vs @StokelyHathaway is already up on @indiewrestling and it’s a slobber knocker. Up there with any halftime heat ever.
— Henry T. Casey (@henrytcasey) February 11, 2019
Watching the Street Fight between @StokelyHathaway and @orangecassidy now.
— Jason McKeown (@VanDiemensLad) February 11, 2019
Holy fuck! It's only February boys, you shouldn't be having MOTYs yet.
.@orangecassidy and @StokelyHathaway wrestled a #grammystreetfight and it was better than watching Die Hard. pic.twitter.com/fmknAJpWgi
— Zia Hiltey (@Welcome_To_Earf) February 11, 2019
I, along with every other professional wrestler, would like to immediately announce my retirement, due to the fact that @StokelyHathaway and @orangecassidy just beat pro wrestling.
— Lucas Calhoun (@ThatOlJukeJoint) February 11, 2019
Nothing more to do here, last one out turn the lights off, please.
This is how many stars I give the @StokelyHathaway vs @orangecassidy GRAMMYs Street Fight that just occured.
— Tom...? (@NotThatTomGreen) February 11, 2019
The upper right corner was earned just by the SnipStamp shirt that popped up. pic.twitter.com/kU5lHpvG8w
I am so confused right now. #GRAMMYs@indiewrestling
— David Bixenspan (@davidbix) February 11, 2019
The @orangecassidy v @StokelyHathaway match that just happened on @indiewrestling is a cinematic masterpiece. Wrestling is beautiful.
— Ginger Ninjer Designs (@NinjerDesigns) February 11, 2019
I’ve been having just an absolutely awful day. @orangecassidy and @StokelyHathaway’s video package has had me smiling ear to ear.
— Thomas® (@TomBente) February 11, 2019
Wrestling is so special.